Wednesday 14 January 2015

Mahabharata war - Facts and figures


Mahabharata war - Facts and figures

War started on

6.30 AM - 22 November 3067 BC Friday

The war ended on

18th Day  ie. 9th December 3067 BC

Place of the war

Kurukshetra around 65 miles from Delhi

Size of the battlefield

It is not the present Kurukshetra covering just 80 square Kms , but a vast kingdom of King Kuru.

Number of people per Akshahuni (division)


Number of Akshahuni of both Pandavas and Gauravas


Total Number of people from Pandavas and Gauravas

19,68,300 (18 * 109350)

Number of people died

1,66,00,20000 [According to Stri parva] This needs further research as the number of casualties seems to be too large.

Number of people survived


Number of people survived among Pandavas & Gauravas


Details of people participated from other kingdoms

Pandavas side


1 Akshahuni
Chief of Chedis, Dhrishtaketu etc 
1 Akshahuni
King of Magadha, Jayatsena1 Akshahuni
Pandya, Drupada, Virata (king of Matsya) and others4 Akshahuni

Total external troops of Pandavas7 Akshahuni

Kauravas side

King bhagadatta, Chins and Kiratas1 Akshahuni
Bhurisravas, and Salya,1 Akshahuni
Kritavarman, the son of Hridika, Bhojas, Andhas and Kukuras1 Akshahuni
Jayadratha from Sindhusauvira1 Akshahuni
Sudakshina, the king of the Kambhojas with Yavanas and Sakas1 Akshahuni
Two kings of Avanti2 Akshahuni
Five royal brothers, the princes of Kekaya1 Akshahuni
King Nila of Mahishmati and others3 Akshahuni

Total external troops of Kauvravas11 Akshahuni

Which countries, regions participated in the war ?

It was a global war, almost all the civilization that existed participated

Types of Asthras used ?

Asthras like Brahmashira, Brahmasthra, Pasupatasthra, Vaishnavasthra, Narayana Asthra, Agneyasthra, Vayavasthra, Nagasthra, Vajrasthra, Varunasthra etc

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