Wednesday 18 October 2023

Who is responsible for the Gaza hospital attack — What we know so far

 Following the explosion in Gaza al-Ahli hospital, conflicting accounts on the nature and party responsible for the attack that claimed hundreds of lives have emerged. The incident, which occurred on Tuesday, October 17, has intensified the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, especially during US President Joe Biden's visit to Tel Aviv.

What happened in the Gaza hospital?
On the intervening night of Tuesday and Wednesday (October 17-18), an explosion took place at the al-Ahli hospital in Gaza, which had been inundated with victims of Israeli airstrikes and civilians seeking refuge on the hospital grounds.

Who is responsible for the attack?
After the explosion, an immediate blame game started with Gaza's Hamas-run Health Ministry accusing an Israeli airstrike of causing the explosion, claiming that it resulted in the deaths of at least 500 people, including innocent children.

In contrast, however, Israeli authorities swiftly denied any involvement and instead pointed the finger at a misfired Palestinian rocket as the likely cause. The Israel Defense Forces even released an audio recording of Hamas operatives allegedly talking about a misfired rocket causing the Gaza hospital blast.

Amid the conflicting claims, the Israeli military maintained its stance, asserting that it had no involvement in the hospital explosion. According to their official statement, the blast was a result of a misfired Palestinian rocket. The military went on to report that Palestinian militants had fired a barrage of rockets in the vicinity of the hospital around the same time.Israel Ambassador to India Naor Gilon also tweeted claiming that the hospital in Gaza was hit by an "Islamic jihad rocket."

What are the consequences?
Outraged by the hospital blast, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Jordan's King Abdullah II announced their withdrawal from a planned Arab summit with President Joe Biden, scheduled for Wednesday, October 18. In a matter of hours, the White House and Jordan's government confirmed the cancellation of Biden's meeting with Arab leaders, highlighting escalating tensions.

The international response was swift, with several Arab nations condemning the hospital attack and declaring days of national mourning. Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi decried the explosion as "a clear violation of international law and humanity."

Protests erupted in various Arab cities, including Beirut, where demonstrators gathered outside the French embassy and a UN facility to voice their discontent over the international community's response to civilian casualties in Gaza. In Amman, Jordanians gathered outside the Israeli Embassy in a display of public outrage.

The Russian Foreign Ministry has classified the strike on a hospital in Gaza as a crime and an "act of dehumanization." They have called on Israel to provide satellite images to substantiate that it was not responsible for the strike.

Shardiya Navratri Day 4: मां कूष्माष्डा की पूजा से मिलता है आरोग्य जीवन, कृपा प्राप्ति के लिए करें ये उपाय

 Sharad Navratri 2023 15 अक्टूबर रविवार के दिन से शारदीय नवरात्र का शुभारंभ हो चुका है। जिसका समापन दशमी तिथि पर मां दुर्गा विसर्जन के साथ होगा। नवरात्र का समय हिंदू धर्म में बहुत महत्वपूर्ण माना गया है। नवरात्रि का चौथा दिन मां कूष्माष्डा की पूजा-अर्चना के लिए समर्पित है। ऐसे में आइए जानते हैं माता की कृपा प्राप्ति के लिए खास उपाय।

नवरात्र की यह पावन अवधि मां दुर्गा के नौ रूपों की आराधना के लिए समर्पित है। नवरात्र के अलग-अलग दिन माता दुर्गा के विभिन्न रूपों की पूजा-अर्चना करने से साधक की सभी मनोकामनाएं पूर्ण होती हैं। आज नवरात्रि के चौथे दिन यानी, 18 अक्टूबर, बुधवार के दिन मां कूष्माष्डा की पूजा की जाएगी। ऐसे में यदि आप इस दिन कुछ खास उपाय करते हैं तो आपके जीवन में चल रही सभी प्रकार की समस्याएं दूर होती हैं।

धार्मिक मान्यताओं के अनुसार जब पृथ्वी रचना नहीं हुई थी, उससे पहले तब मां कुष्मांडा ने ही ब्रह्मांड की रचना की थी। माता कुष्मांडा की आराधना करने से साधक को आरोग्य जीवन की प्राप्ति होता है। ऐसे में नवरात्र के चौथे दिन सुबह जल्दी उठकर, स्नान आदि से निवृत होने के बाद व्रत का संकल्प लें। विधि-विधान पूर्वक मां कुष्मांडा की पूजा करें। इस दौरान उन्हें कद्दू  से बनी चीजों का भोग जरूर लगाएं। ऐसा करने से मां आपसे प्रसन्न होती हैं।

सभी प्रकार की समस्याओं से मुक्ति पाने के लिए आप नवरात्र के चौथे दिन ये उपाय कर सकते हैं। मां कुष्मांडा की पूजा के दिन पीपल के पेड़ के नीचे से थोड़ी-सी मिट्टी लाकर उसे अपने घर में रखें। इसके बाद इस मिट्टी पर दूध, दही, अक्षत और रोली आदि चढ़ाते हुए दीया जलांए। ऐसा करने के बाद इस मिट्टी को वापस पीपल के पेड़ के नीचे रख आएं।

करें इस मंत्र का जाप

नवरात्र के चौथे दिन मां कुष्मांडा की कृपा प्राप्ति के लिए पूजा के दौरान इस मंत्र का जाप करना चाहिए -

‘ॐ कूष्माण्डायै नम:

मान्यता है कि इस मंत्र के जाप से कुंडली में स्थित केतु ग्रह से जुड़े दोष दूर हो जाते हैं और साधक कई तरह की समस्याओं से बच जाता है।

Saturday 10 September 2016

Who is Ravan ?

Though demon king Ravana is the prime antagonist character in the epic Ramayana, yet most of the people are not aware of his background, his conquests  and his erudite knowledge.To put it in a nutshell, here are eleven big facts you should know about Ravana.

1. Ravana was half-Brahmin and half-demon. His father was Vishwashrava, a rishi belonging to the Pulastya clan, and mother Kaikasi belonged to a demon clan. Vishwashrava had two wives - Varavarnini and Kaikasi.  Kuber, the god of wealth was born to the first wife, and Ravana, Kumbhakarna, Shurpanakha and Vibhishana were born to Kaikasi. It was Ravana and his brother Kumbhakarana, who performed penance, got miraculous powers  from Lord Brahma and drove out Kuber to occupy the golden kingdom of Lanka.  

2. Ravana was not named so since birth. He was Dashagriva or Dashanana (demon with ten heads).
While trying to dislodge Mount Kailash on which Lord Shiva was meditating, Shiva pressed the mountain with his toe crushing Ravana's forearms. As Ravana let out blood-curling screams in agony, he came to be known as Ravana (one who screams).It was then that Ravana became one of the greatest devotees of Lord Shiva, and composed the Shiva Tandava Stotram.

3. Ravana had killed King Anaranya of the Ikshawku dynasty to which Lord Rama belonged. While dying King Anaranya had cursed Ravana saying that the son of King Dashartha will eventually kill him.

4. Ravana had also tried to kill the monkey king Bali, who was performing prayer to the Sun God at a seashore.
Bali was so powerful, that he carried Ravana with his arms and took him back to Kishkindhya, where he asked Ravana what he wanted.
Ravana offered friendship and the two became friends.  It was Bali, who while fighting with Sugriva, was slayed by Lord Rama.  

5. It was Ravana, a Brahmin, who performed the rites of a purohit, when Lord Rama constructed the Rama Sethu to lead his monkey brigade to attack Lanka.

6. Ravana was not only a stupendous fighter, but also an expert of the Vedas and an expert in astrology.
It is said that when his son Meghanada was to be born from his wife Mandodari's womb, Ravana "instructed" all the planets and the Sun to be in their proper position for the auspicious "lagna" so that his son would become immortal.
But Saturn suddenly changed its position. Noticing this, a furious Ravana attacked Saturn with his mace and broke off one of its legs, maiming him for life.  

7. Ravana was a great practitioner of statecraft. When Lord Rama killed Ravana, who was on his last breath, Rama instructed his brother Lakshmana to go to Ravana and learn the art of statecraft and diplomacy from the dying demon king.

8. Ravana, after thousand years of penance, sought a boon for immortality from Lord Brahma, but the later politely declined saying that his life would be concentrated at his navel (naabhi).
Ravana's brother Vibhishana, a devotee of Rama, knew this, and on the tenth day of the battle, he told Rama to strike his arrow at Ravana's navel, killing the demon king.  

9. Ravana had acquired a boon from Lord Brahma by beseeching that no god, demon, kinnar or gandharva could ever kill him.
He was granted this boon, little knowing that he did not seek the boon for protection from human beings. It was Rama, as a human, who ultimately slayed Ravana.  

10. Ravana's empire spread over Balidweepa (today's Bali), Malayadweep (Malaysia), Angadweepa, Varahdweepa, Shankhadweepa, Yavadweepa, Andhralaya and Kushadweepa.  

Saturday 14 May 2016

Secret Things OF Mahabharata

                     Secret Of  Mahabharat

" Mahabharat ", The Great Indian epic is a vast treasure house of facts and knowledge and it is impossible for anyone to know everything. Many of the facts that are either missed out or still unknown to people.

Today, I am going to tell you about such surprising facts of Mahabharat.

Krishna had another sister apart from Subhadra named Ekanaga. She was born from Nanda and Yashoda. Bhanumati (Duryodhan's wife) was a devotee of Lord Krishna.  Abhimanyu was actually the soul of a Daitya (demon) named Kalyavana. Krishna after burning Kalyavana to death had captured his soul and took him to Dwaraka only to stuff him into  a cupboard. 

Ekalavya was actually Krishna's cousin. He was the son of Devashrava (brother of Vasudeva) who got lost in the forest and was found by a Nishada Hiranyadhanu.  Ekalavya died protecting his father during Rukmini Swayamvar. He was killed by Krishna.

Balarama had originally planned to marry Subhadra to Duryodhan. But Subhadra wanted to marry Arjun so she ran away with him. Arjun's pilgrimage for breaking his marital laws with Draupadi earned him three more wives - Chitrangada (Manipura), Ulupi  (Naga) and Subhadra.

Bhishma knew Shikhandi was a woman in his past known as AmbaShikhandi had a son named Kshatradeva. Shikhandi was married to a Dasrana princess. Dhritarashtra and Gandhari retired to the forest 15 years after Yudhisthir's coronation. The main reason for this was Bhim's taunts, which depressed them.  

The Upapandavas (Pandavas's sons) all died unmarried. Flowers rained on Duryodhan when he fell on the 18th day of the war.Akshaya Patra was obtained by Yudhishthir from the Sun God for Draupadi and the Brahmanas.

The disrobing of Draupadi was instigated by Karna not Duryodhan. Duryodhan has been remarkably quiet during the entire episode except  while asking Draupadi to come in court.

So This Are Some Secret Things About Mahabhrata If U Like it so plz share it Thanks

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Fats About Ram & Sita

Shocking Facts About Lord Rama, Sita, Raavan And Lakshman 

One gets to know a lot about Lord Rama, Lakshman, Sita and Raavan in many texts written in Valmiki Ramayana and all of it is considered to be most accurate. However, there are some other interesting things mentioned in Valmiki Ramayana, which people do not know about at all. These are quite shocking.


Ramayana has been written by Maharshi Valmiki. This epic has 24,000 shlokas, 500 upkhand and 7 Kand with answers. The time when King Dashrath had organized a yagya for the birth of Lord Rama, his age was 60 years. According to Ramayana, King Dashrath had organized the yagya with the help of sage Rishyashring. Rishyashring’s father was Vibandak. One day while Vibandak were bathing in the river, he ejaculated inside water. A female drank that water and Rishyashring was born.

In Tulsidas’s Ramayana, it is mentioned that in Sita’s Swayamvar, Lord Rama had lifted the bow and arrow of Lord Shiva and it broke. However, there is no mention of this incident in Valmiki’s Ramayana.As per Shri Ramcharit Manas, during Sita’s swayamvar, Parshuram had come, but according to Ramayana, when Lord Rama was returning to Ayodhya after marrying Sita, that time Parshuram had come.When Lord Rama went to exile he was 27 years old.

When Lakshman came to know about Lord Rama being asked to go on exile, he was very angry and had asked Rama to fight with his own father and win the throne. But he calmed down after Rama explained him.When King Dashrath asked Lord Rama to go to a forest, he wanted to give him lots of wealth so that he remains happy there. However, his third wife Kaikayi didn’t allow for the same.
Bharat had come to know about his father, King Dashrath’s death through his dream. He had seen his father wearing black clothes in his dream.

As per Hindu religion, there are 33 croreGods and Goddesses. However, as per Ramayana’s Aranyakand, it’s mentioned that there exists only 33 Gods and Goddesses. It is known that when Sita was kidnapped by Raavan, Jatayu, the king of birds tried to save her, but lost his life. However, as per Ramayana, it wasn’t Jatayu who went to save Sita, but his father Arun. Vidyutjinn was the husband of Shrupnakha who was Raavan’s sister. He was a senapati in the army of Kalkay King. When Raavan was out to conquer the world, he fought with Kalkay too. In this battle, Vidyutjinn died. Angry Shrupnakha cursed Raavan that she will become a reason for her brother’s death.

The day Raavan kidnapped Sita and brought to Ashok Vatika, the same night, Lord Brahma had sent Indra Dev to Sita to give her kheer (sweet dish made of milk and rice). Indra Dev first through his supernatural powers made all demons present at Ashok Vatika sleep and then gave the kheer to Sita.When Lord Rama and Lakshman were searching for Sita in the forest, they had come across a demon, Kambadh whom they killed. Actually Kambadh had become a demon due to a curse. When Lord Rama went to burn his dead body, his soul was relived from the curse and he told him to do friendship with Sugreev. As per Ramayana, it had taken 5 days to construct a bridge over the ocean. 

Once Raavan went to Kailash Mountain to meet Lord Shiva. At Kailash he made fun of Nandi and laughed at him. In anger Nandi cursed Raavan. His curse was that a monkey will become a reason for Raavan’s destruction. As per Ramayana, when Raavan had lifted Mount Kailash to impress Lord Shiva, Goddess Parvati had got scared and cursed Raavan that he will die because of a woman.
When the battle between Rama and Raavan was being fought, Indra Dev had sent his magical cart for Rama. Lord Rama sitting in that cart had killed Raavan. Raavan used to like in Lanka, which was made of gold. Lanka was first ruled by Raavan’s elder brother Kuber. Raavan had won Lanka from his brother in a battle.

Once Raavan was going somewhere in his Pushpak Viman when he saw a beautiful woman busy in worshipping Lord Vishnu to marry the God himself. Raavan pulled her hair and ordered her to go with him. The woman sacrificed her body on the spot and cursed Raavan. Raavan was the king of all demons. As a child he was feared by all the people because of his ten heads. He was a firm believer of Lord Shiva. It’s a known thing that Ravana was also a very good scholar and studied the Vedas, but the reason of having the instrument veena as a symbol in his flag is that he was also an excellent player of veena. Though much of consideration was not given to this art in him, he liked playing this instrument.

The fight between Rama and Raavan ended by Rama killing Raavan, but it couldn’t have happened if not for Vibhisan support. When Raavan discussed about his war against Rama, all his ministers advised him to fight, while his younger brother Vibhisan advised Raavan to set Sita free and ask for forgiveness from Rama. But Vibhisan was sent away from the kingdom as Raavan was angry on him for taking sides of Rama. So Vibhisana helped Rama at the time of war, and Raavan made Rama believe with illusions that Sita is dead. When Rama fell fainted, it is Vibhisan who makes Rama understand the power of black magic of Raavan and how he can be killed with the power of his ten heads and his boon of immortal of nectar drink. If not for Vibhisan, the war could have ended differently. So Rama was able to defeat Raavan with the help of Vibhisan, hence Rama makes him the king of Lanka, after the death of Raavan.

According to the entire story, Raavan was pictured as a cruel, most monstrous demon, which disrespected all the holy people. When he heard about Rama’s attack because of kidnapping Sita, his brother advised him to surrender. Being as adamant to his powers Raavan denied the fact that he will be killed, instead he stood his ground to fight in order to get moksha/mukthi from Rama’s hands and reach back to Lord Vishnu. He said “if Rama and Lakshmana are two normal humans, than I will carry Sita and win over the humans, but if they are Gods, then I will die in their hands with arrows and will attain Moksha”.

It is believed that Rama left the earth by taking the jala samadhi in the Sarayu River, when Sita is taken back by her mother earth Bhoodevi. When Sita could not bear yet another test to her innocence, while living in the forest, she requests the Goddess of earth to take her back. The Goddess parts the earth into two and Sita is taken back, while her son Kush tries to hold his mother. Later Kush being disappointed with losing his mother also follows her. Rama feels it unbearable to lose his beloved wife he ends his human life on the earth and reaches Lord Vishnu in Sarayu River.

Friday 19 June 2015

lord krishna had how many sons ?

    Facts About Krishna's Children

  1. Apart from his eight principal wives,Krishna is described to have married several junior women, he rescued from the demon Narakasura. The Bhagavata Purana and the Harivamsa (appendix of Mahabharata) state that 16,000 women were rescued, however the Vishnu Purana and the Mahabharata differ and set the number as 16,100.

The sons and grandsons of Krishna numbered thousands. Sixteen thousand mothers gave birth to this dynasty.
The first son of Rukmini is Pradyumna. The others are Charudeshna, Sudheshna, Charudeha, Sucharu, Charugupta, Bhadracharu, charuchandra, Vicharu and charu the tenth. None of these were inferior to their father.

The ten sons of Satyabhama are Bhanu, Subhanu, Svarabhanu, Prabhanu, Bhanuman Chandrabhanu, Brihadbhanu, Atibhanu the eighth, Sribhanu and Pratibhanu.
Samba, Sumitra, Purujit, Satajit, Sahasrajit, Vijaya, Chitraketu, Vasuman, Dravida and Kratu were the sons of Jambavati and favored by the Lord.

The sons of Nagnajiti are Vira, Chandra, Asvasena, Chitraguru, Vegavan, Vrusha, Ama Sanku, Vasu and KuntiSruta Kavi, Vrusa, Vira Subahu, Danti, Darsa and Purnamasa are the sons of Kalindi, the youngest one being Somaka.Madra's sons are Praghosa, Gaatravan Simha, Bala, Prabala, Urdhanga, Mahasakthi, Saha, Oja, and Aparajita.Mitravinda's sons are Vruka, Harsha, Anila, Grudhra, Vardhana, Unnada, Mahamsa, Vahni and Ksudhi.Sangramajit, Bruhatsena, Sura, Praharana, Arijit, Jaya and Subhadra, were the sons of Bhadra along with Vama, Ayur, and Satyaka making ten children.Diptiman , Tamratapta and others were the sons of Rohini and others wives.

Lord Krishna's son Pradyumna fathered the great Aniruddha through Rukma, the daughter of Rukmi, the brother of Rukmini. This happened in the city of Bhojakuta.

Monday 15 June 2015

Secrets Of Indian Mythology



1. What scripture is called the fifth Veda?

    In Hinduism, the Mahabharata is called the fifth Veda. Maharishi Krishna is the creator dvaipayana vedavyasa. Vedavyase Maharishi himself said about the book in- यन्नेहास्ति न कुत्रचित्. Ie which have not been the subject of discussion in this book, the discussion will not be available anywhere else. Srimad Bhagwat Geeta is story like a priceless jewel in the ocean. Overall, there is a verse in the book. Therefore it is also called satasahastri Code.

2. What is the name of Devraj Indra's charioteer chariot ? 

    According to the Ramayana, Devraj Indra's chariot charioteer matali Walmiki name. During Rama-Ravana war, while Ravana, Rama's chariot warfare were standing on the land. At that time, Indra, Lord Rama in his chariot, and was sent to help. It weighs in at matalie management was very skillful.

3. Lord Krishna gave cursed who wander over the earth until the end of the world ?

  According to the Mahabharata, Krishna, Guru Dronacharya bhagavana Ashwatthama son wander the earth until the end of the world was cursed. Guru Dronacharya marriage occurred with krpi Kripacharya sister. Krpina Ashwatthama born fetus. Ashwani uccaihsrava was found at birth in the same word, it Ashwatthama out because of its name. It Mahadeva, Yama, time and anger generated sammmelika degrees.

4. Walmiki Ramayana how many verse, subcontinent ..?

  Valmikie epic Ramayana, Maharishi was formed. This epic verse 24 thousand, five hundred subcontinent and North are seven incident. Maharishi valmikie these texts formed at the behest of Father Brahma. First Love-fine, Lord Rama's court awarded him sing.

5. Who is the commander of the gods ?

 According to the commander of the gods Shiva and Parvati dhargrantho mother's son Kartikeya. His vehicle is in bloom. According to the religious stories of Lord Vishnu, Kartikeya was the peacock. Kartikeya, the god of forces had devasura struggle. The enormous choleric temperament. He is regarded as the muragana Swami South India.

 6. Brahmavairta Purana Manasadevini worshiping Snakes Do Not Have To Fear the Fear ?

Brahmavaivarta Purana, Goddess worshiping manasa does not fear snakes, king snakes because the goddess is the sister of Vasuki. Manasadevina guru self Lord Shiva is shown. Astike janmenjayane serpent sacrifice his son had stopped. The fear of snakes is not only taking the name of Maharshi astikanum.

7. What is the name of Suryadev's charioteer chariot ?  

 The driver of the chariot charioteer Lord suryadev Arun Their mother's name and father's name vinata of Maharishi Kashyap. Eagle vehicle of Lord Vishnu Arun's younger brother. Arun religious texts and sampati Jatayu two children have shown limited. Jatayue Sita's mother deer and sampatie fed monkeys who did battle with Ravana of Lanka had shown the way.

8. King parikshit Rishi dead snake was laid in the throat ?

 King parikshit Shamik Mahabharata King Rishi throat serpentine dead was laid. Angry and Shamik srrngie the son of Rishi Nag King parikshit fine within seven days from the curse of death given. King parikshit and Abhimanyu was the son of King Arjuna paraputra. To avenge the death of his father, King janmenjayane serpent had yatra.

9. Why is the term used jatismara religious texts?

According to remember the words of the Scriptures purvajanmani jatismara term is used. Hinduism is the belief in reincarnation. Even today in many cases, which is not denied again after hearing stories of reincarnation. Hinduism is the soul rather than just the body. It is a rebirth.

10. What sage king Dasharatha have had to Sacrifice?

King Dasharatha out by the makes putresthi fire ceremony sage rsyasrrnge enlightening had tried. Rsyasrrngena father's name Maharishi vibhandaka said. One day when they bath in the river were doing, when the in the river their viryapata has become. It's Emanating a haranie P replaced the, whose the form of fruit sage rsyasrrngano was born. This sacrifice on the form of fruit the same Lord Shriram, Laxman, Bharat and Shatrughan was born.